What readily available LP's should I consider

After many years of chasing "perfect" digital playback, I’ve ordered a new vinyl playback rig, and am dusting off my old vinyl, and am so to speak, going back to the future.

While I've found many posts, web sites etc., with vintage vinyl recommendations, finding a list of well-recorded, excellent-sounding new, or READILY available pressings, has not been so easy.

What highly prized, must have LP's, should I be looking for? As most of us, my musical tastes are quite varied, and with the exception of rap, hip-hop, and opera (quite a combination huh?), I'm open to your list of EASILY procurable, LP's to die for.
Dirtyragamuffin: I was wondering about the 30th anniversary Pink Floyd "Dark Side of the Moon". I too have an early 1970's pressing. When I purchased my first "real" system -- JVC Integrated, Dual Table, ESS Heil AMT 3 Speakers -- I recall phoning the audio shop asking the name of the lp that I had just heard -- yep, it was "Dark Side of the Moon".
Rushton: I will let ya know my purchases and thoughts. While I'm excited in procuring new lp's to add to my -- archived from my youth -- collection, I'm even more excited waiting to receive, and set-up a recently ordered Galibier Quattro Table, with Tri-Planar Tonearm. With a hunks of cash attached to each foot, it’s safe to say that I'm jumping back into vinyl with both feet.
Nostalgia has set in! Man, am I looking forward to playing some of my vinyl that hasn't seen the light of day for over 2-decades -- it's 'bout time isn't it?
Mrmb, if you've never cleaned your LPs, do yourself a big favor and clean them with either the Disc Doctor (my preference) or Record Research cleaning fluids. Do the same with all the new vinyl you buy BEFORE playing for the first time. With the investment you're making in your TT setup, you'll find this cleaning step very rewarding both in how it keeps your records from developing pops, tick and crackles, and how much better it will make them sound.

Good luck!
I also own the new model Tri-Planar arm. It's fantastic. It tracks like nobodys business. How did you decide on your table? Mine is an Avid, which I also like very much. Cartridge? I've got a Lyra Helicon.
Rushton: I've had a 16.5 ordered for several weeks and am wondering if I'm every going to receive it. VPI says nothing is backordered, my local dealer hasn't seen it yet.
Certainly, before I play even one lp, they will be cleaned first. The record cleaning rituals thread found on the Gon. educated me in terms of what to do, and how to do it.
Richardmr: It appears that I'm going down the cottage industry path as far as audio equipment is concerned. My interconnects and speaker cables are produced locally by a fellow hobbyist, and a power cord was just purchased from Moray James, found on the Gon. I just received a Supratek Chenin preamp from Mick Maloney in Australia, and the Galibier Quattro was ordered from Thom Mackris of Galibier Design.
The Supratek was purchased based on communications here at the Gon., and elsewhere (I couldn’t be happier with it) and the Galibier was found after loads of research regarding the Teres Group, and the offshoots: Teres Audio, Redpoint Audio, and Galibier Design. I found the exercises that the folks involved in the Teres Group did, to get to where each individual now is, interesting and informative. What better place to buy, than from consummate tweakers dedicated to making a great product better.
Discussions with Thom Mackris lead to my interest in his Galibier Tables. His audio expertise, and experiences with, and knowledge of tables, are amazing. My communications with him have been wonderfully informative. It’s interesting talking with an individual who’s more interested in the end results, than he is in selling what he produces. Moreover, I had the pleasure of hosting Thom and his equipment at my home while he was passing through on a 4,000 mile road trip to the East Coast.
I can’t say enough good things about Thom, his products, and the time he’s taken with me. After seeing and hearing his table, I can’t wait until I get mine.
For a cartridge, I’m starting with a Denon DL-103R. It’s stupidly inexpensive when compared to its capabilities and others of its caliber – time will tell where I go from there.