3K to 4K Phono Pre-Amp

Background: I am trying to upgrade to my ultimate analog set-up. I think the first step should be an new Phono pre-amp capable of supporting high-end MC eventually. I have read the controversy of step-up vs new phono preamp, but I am leaning to the new phono preamp. I have a Cary SLP-98P and love it.

Question: In the $3K to $4K range, what is the best match to a Cary AMP/Pre-AMP/Horn system that would provide good versatility as I later upgrade my cartridge and TT. I have read about the Aesthetic Rhea, AcousTech PhD, and several others but I simply don't have the experience or access to this equipment to help decide.

Cartridges that I may eventually purchase include Koetsu, Shelter, Transfiguration, or comparable. It depends on the tonearm I end up with.

Thank You
I second the Trumpet, I am using with the Shelter 901 and it is a truely unbelievable phono preamp. It is also half of what you are prepared to spend.. You will need a step-up for a low output MC. I would go with the S&B tranies from either Hagerman or Bent Audio.
Thank you Dmailer for the recommendation. I have also noted others who are very supportive of the Hagerman technology.
Try the New Sutherland PHd Phono. Runs on Batteries. No AC noise and it sounds great.
Not to be simple, but are you asking about a phono stage or a step-up transformer/pre pre-amp? If you are really looking for versatility and the best sound, you have to consider these items seperately. And you don't have to spend more than $300 for a passive step-up and around the same amount for a tube-based phono with power supply that will sound as good as anything else out there, even price no object. That will let you spend more money on the TT itself. Keep visiting DIY horn/tube guys in whatever town you are in, or whenever you travel. You'll find the best stuff with these guys.

Thanks for the feedback RonyW.

I have a Cary SLP-98P and I have considered a step-up for it, but I was told by several audiophiles that this approach would not be ideal in comparison with a new, high quality phono preamp like a Rhea, Hagerman (plus step-up), the Ear suggested above or idealy a used Manley or Aesthetix IO.

As soon as I can get through remodeling in my house, now extending through Sept according to the contractor, I plan on stepping up my efforts to investigate and purchase a State-of-the-art Turntable (VPI HR-X, SME20/2A performance package, or the like (Maybe even a Teres is in the running with a Graham Arm).

I would like a top end cartridge like a transfiguration or a maybe even a Koetsu if the sound is right, but I will try to be open-minded, recognizing the great sound of Shelter and many others.

I am trying to get all I can from my records without busting my budget. Currently my VPI/MKIV/SME309/Grado Ref sound better than CDs on my Nuvista to me (which I think is a killer CD player). I can only imagine how much better vinyl could be. I feel that I am limited by my current set-up against using very high-end MC cartridges or low output MI Grados. I plan to dedicate the VPI to mono in the expanded system.

Obviously, I will spend a long time making these decisions. But, that will be at least half of the fun - both listening and learning.

By the way, I have tried to get a local, retired RF engineer to help me build a new pre-amp but he said it was too complicated a task. If my Cary is not limiting, maybe he would help me build a step-up with some Jensens. Again, I am open.
