EAR 834P vs. Audio Research PH-3

I am currently using a EAR 834P as my phono stage and have thought about trying the Audio Research PH3 but don't know whether it would be worth it. Any thoughts?

I would be running it with an AES AE-3 (or a Melos 110b if I can't sell it) and an AES SE 1 sig. using the 300B. Also, I am using a Benz Micro Glider HO on a VPI Jr. and the rewired Rega RB300 arm.

Thanks for all your help!
Marakanetz....I've heard from a friend that changing the tubes in the ARC PH3 to NOS makes a BIG difference!!! He changed to Seimens......!!!!
tubes in these phonos work in different regime of operations in EAR case tubes are output and in PH3 case tubes are only driving.
IN PH3 there are only three tubes and in EAR probably 4 or more.
That's why I pointed out that upkeep is more expencive for EAR.
Marakanetz, the EAR 834P has 3 tubes not 4. If memory serves me correctly, they are 12AX7's. Further, the AR website says that the tubes in the PH-3 (6922's) are used for gain (output) and not as input tubes. The input is handled via solid state. This would explain the very quiet operation at high gain that you describe. Also, the price of the EAR Chrome (premium unit) and the basic AR PH-3 have similar list prices ($1295- vs. $1495-). Upgrading the EAR tubes to NOS will make a huge improvement in audio quality, as will using an aftermarket power cord (Custom Power Cord Hi Value is a good choice). Since we are talking about NOS tubes, be VERY CAREFUL about your source! There are so many couterfeit, noisy, and improper (for circuit applications) tubes out there that many "good deals" end up making the equipment sound WORSE than the original crap stock tubes (and don't listen to anyone who says that manufacturers "voice their equipment" for common stock Russian, Chinese, or Yugo small signal tubes, and that NOS are a waste of money...yeah, right!!!) I'll say it again, Andy at Vintage Tube Services is the ONLY place to buy tubes! Not only does his testing and matching assure you of the best possible tubes (check out his test bench!), but there were so many varations on a particular tube, so many years of production, and so much rebranding, that a tube selling as a premium NOS might be crap and an overlooked common tube may be gold! Andy's knowledge about tubes will amaze you. The website is: www.vintagetubeservices.com.
sorry, you're right the input is MOSFET. whattadumbami, I messed up everything in my head... probably I did loading experiments too long time ago and forgot.

I don't know if it's possible to find PH3 for 1,5k brand new... I took mine from the original owner and the initial price was $1,889.
Marakanetz, not to worry! And all tube DOES NOT necessarily make the sound of an item better than hybrid or all transistor! Also, your price of $1889- used, was that for the PH3 or the PH3SE? I think that I got the new price of a PH3 at $1495- from the Audiogon Blueboook page.