Newbie Question: VTA and Rega P25/RB600

Hi all ... recently I've returned to vinyl (and diggin' it!) with the loan of a good friend's vintage Thorens, and while I'm awaiting delivery of my Rega P25 I am wonderin' about setup of the Rega, specifically, about the lack of VTA on the RB600.

My questions would be (and feel free to throw more in, not sure I really know what to ask at this stage)

1) What are the sonic affects of VTA out of whack/not optimized?
2) How do aftermarket mods work in regards to the RB600?
3) Will I need to worry about VTA if I use a none-felt mat?
(Dyna vector 10x4 cart)
The Dynavector 10X4 will need a 2mm spacer when using the stock Rega felt mat.
The ExtremePhono mat, being thicker yet will require quite a bit more compensation from the looks of it.
The Dyna is a high output MC and is intended to be used at the 47K ohm MM input/load.
Expect it to take at least 30+ hours of play just to limber the suspension and another 20 or more hours before the cartridge is fully broken in.You'll want to double check your VTF at the 30 hr mark.
I, umm, err, ahhh ... wired the cartridge outta phase.
Oops. Sounds a wee bit better now.

Tossed on the new mat and its sounding pretty darn good! (as opposed to just plain bad prior) Thanks all.