Have anyone pics and tech-data for a SU-1 step-up?

Hi !
I look at the web and can`t find pics and tech-data for a Expressive Technologies SU-1 step-up ! Google can`t help me ! Please help a guy from germany !!! I`m very intresting at this step-up ! Is it The Best ? My Analogsystem :
Player : H+P Ulysses
4tonearms : Ortofon RMA309,SME3012MK1,FR66s,Ikeda IT407
5cart: Ortofon SPU Royal GM , A/E , Gold GM , DL 103 ,
ZYX R 100 Fuji
Pre-pre: Ortofon T-100 , Denon AU-1000 , Denon AU-340 ,
Cotter MK II , Gryphon Head-amp
Pre-amp: Jadis JP 80
Thanks and PEACE FOR THE WORLD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Frank, I am sorry for what happened to you. I don't know the details but can see you are extremely frustrated. I hope things get better for you.
Yes, Frank. We're not all like that here on Audiogon. You unfortunately got a "bad apple" out of the barrel. Sorry.
I recently purchased an Expressive Technology SU-1 for use with my Aesthetix I/O signature phono stage driving a low output Van Den Hul Colibri. I also was lucky enough to have borrower a Verion Mk 1 and a Bent Audio MU TX-103 in silver to do a shoot out between the three. (If any one is interested email me and I’ll send you photos and sonic data I recorded. (Pcb-designs@att.net)

I agree that placement and cable selection with the ET SU-1 is critical. I’m finding that n my cable choice of Siltech FTM-4 Gold is working best. I still have a ground / hum issue but hands down the ET SU-1 is the most dynamic T/T I’ve listen to date.

I have the original manual on the SU-1 and can scan this information if anyone wants.

I use a Tektronix oscilloscope and sound pressure meter with a calibrated test record to do my study. So I have gather two types of data, actual meter data and audible feedback with my own two ears.

It was just amazing the sonic extension that the SU-1 had moving from LP to LP changing the transformers and reading the pick values at the same time intervals. Waveform extension could be seen as voltage peaks on the scope. I actually have picture comparisons of all three transformers on the scope that I can send you.

My system consists of the following analog playback equipment. A SME 20/2 turntable with a Graham 2.2 arm with Hovland cables. I just brought the SU-1 from a dealer friend for only 2K and I’m using Siltech HTM-4 gold cables as an interconnect to my Aesthetix I/O signature phonostage. My cartridge is the Van Den Hul Colibri with a gold coil and a wooden body. I have finally reached Audio Nirvana with this setup.