good silver IC's to audition?

i have a tried a bunch'o'copper ICs and one mid-priced silver plated copper. i preferred the latter...just seemed to provide more air and detail in my system, though possibly at the expense of bass impact.

i'd like to try some good pure silver ICs. acoustic zen silver reference is on the list. any others? thanks.
Try the Purenote Epsilon interconnect at

I upgraded from a HT Truthlink and am very pleased with the results.
You simply have to try the Argento Silver or the VDM. They are both made of pure silver, but the VDM has massiv damping, silver RCA og XLR plugs and a larger cross section.
I woĂșld never consider anything else.
I second Lak on the Silver Lightnings from Bear Labs. The Silver Lightnings yield clear, transparent sound.
