good silver IC's to audition?

i have a tried a bunch'o'copper ICs and one mid-priced silver plated copper. i preferred the latter...just seemed to provide more air and detail in my system, though possibly at the expense of bass impact.

i'd like to try some good pure silver ICs. acoustic zen silver reference is on the list. any others? thanks.
Contact Richard at Vantage Audio. His website is Good Luck, :~) Doug
I would suggest the Audio Note ANVz. I've owned quite a few including the AZ Silver Ref., Siltech SQ88 G3, and AQ Diamond to name a few and the Audio Note won hands down at least in my ear and my system. Their's a certain musicality and rightness to it's sound that is very hard to explain. Emotionally engaging is probably the best way to describe it.
I have heard about the Bear Labs Silver Lightning cables but have not found a web site, email or contact number if anyone can provide this I would greatly appreciate it.
