Power cord for Linn Classik


I would like to ask for recommendations
for a power cord for a Linn Classik.
Has it made a difference in your

racerx90 - when I bought my Classik in England, the dealer gave me a set of adapters that allows me to use standard banana plugs on the speaker terminals. You might try contacting a Linn dealer and see if you can find a set...it opens up a lot more options for cables.
Rsuminsby - Thanks a lot!!! That it just what I've been looking for. I'll stop by the Linn dealer tomorrow and inquire about it.
Don't literally throw those cheapie power cords away Racerx90!! If you ever sell those pieces of equipment I doubt that you'll want to ship them along with your "Ultra Godzilla Monzo" mega-buck power cords! And used equipment customers DO expect to see a power cord along with their equipment even if THEY'LL probably throw them away! Happy Tunes!
Fatparrot- (grin) Actually, it was just a figure of speech. I should have said I leave it in the box for when I sell it. Thanks for the advice though.

The LAT International powercords are very nice and cheap. Echohifi.com sold me mine at a great price. The banana connectors do come apart and one can easily use other wire up to maybe 16 gauge. Owned a Classik and it is very nice.