Verdier Platine turntable?

Does anyone have experience with the Verdier Platine turntable? How would you evaluate it with respect to the SME 20 (or 30), the Walker, and other exotica, not only in terms of sound, but in reliability, service, etc.?
The first thing to do is to make sure it is a real one. There have been reports of counterfeit Verdier La Platine turntables going around.
I owned a Verdier with a Graham 2.2 tone arm and it is a wonderful turntable. Very critical that is well isolated to minimize resonances. The Graham worked quite well in this combination.
I sold it to purchase the Walker, which is in another universe in terms of performance. As good as the Verdier is, the Walker sets the high water mark. Everything takes on another diminsion, i.e. bass slam, depth of sound stage, layering of instruments and the natural sweetness that pours out of the turntable. Lloyd Walker is a huge resource and walked me through the fine tuning of this table.
Though I do not have a verdier a good friend does and it is a very interesting table. Engineering wise it is fascinating. Appearance wise it is very nice to some but a bit industrial for others given its price tag. With regards to sound i would rank it very highly though have not ever heard a walker. It compares very favorably in my mind to other hi end tables like the vpi (but have not heard the new top of the line) and others. With regards to reliability it is very straight forward and there is not much to go wrong but it does need careful set up. At the price point it is not inexpensive and you don't see many come up for sale but when you do the price can be a lot more reasonable (around 5). Hope this is of some help. If you wanted to chat with my friend who has one drop me a note and I will see what I can do