Bringin' that thrift-store smell home

For the past few months I've been avidly (my friends say compulsively) searching the local thrift stores for LPs. I've found some great recordings, but as I accumulate more and more of them I'm finding that my house is smelling more and more like a thrift store. I expect that many of the LPs I've bought have been stored in damp places and have become moldy, even though they look fine.

Has anyone else faced this problem? Any ideas for deodorizing LP jackets? Thanks.
Obviously it's not the vinyl. Yes, the jackets got damp & since they are paper based there is only one thing that will work. Remove the vinyl, then place the jacket out in the hot sun!! a low humidity day is best & lay flat on a raised rack surface, 1 hour per side should do it!!
Air cleaner(one that does not use filter) from Sharper Image works great in my listening room.
So Jenney your post speaks for itself:
What if there is no sun? I believe that gas or electric oven can be used on that sence to bake it with some cinnamon probably wha would'ya say? Or it's also possible after taking out records to bring jackets to the dry cleaners! There are still so many ideas!
I talked to two members of our local listening group who have large (5000+) vinyl collections. One recommended the same product endorsed by Albert, above. The other uses Fabreze, spraying it lightly over the album covers inside and out, then allowing to dry before replacing the vinyl in fresh sleeves. I've never noticed any stink in their record rooms so both approaches must work well.

Albert's recommendation reminds me of a pet deodorant spray that we buy at our local pet store. It's intended use is for kennels & cages, etc, not for spraying on the animals themselves. And it is very effective.