Best speaker cable for B&W?

I have a pair of B&W N805's I have a short 5 foot run, they are biwired with Monster M series Biwire. It sounds decent but I know I can do better. What kind of cable are people out there using with their B&Ws? I'm looking to spend about 130$ bucks used right now? Any suggestions or experiences?
Ag insider logo xs@2xsquiddy
MIT Terminator 2 Bi-Wire. I use a them with a pair of original CDM-1 in my home office.
Squiddy - it's depends on your equipment - but I always liked high end Audioquest (Argent, Clear, Sterling, Dragon) when I had B&W's.

Cardas Neutral Reference (and Golden Reference) works well if you have "fast" solid state gear.
Bwhite cables are nice, except they'll cost you used $900+ for the Golden Cross and $600+ for the Neutral Ref. The Audioquest are all $450+.