SACD players. Owner progress report

I have had my SCD-777ES one week now and am playing it ,non stop. As posted elsewhere both cd and sacd modes need individual burn in time.A maximum of up to 400 hours has been posted as required time for optimum sound improvement. At 55#,this is one serious component, and the SCD-1 weighs in at 58#.The biggest differences between the two are, that the SCD-1 also has balanced outputs,and a 5th support at the base of unit.There is a couple of other minor differences but the internal components appear to be all the same and all specs are identical,as well as the sacd playback sound.All things being equal,the cd playback should be basically the same.At this early stage,the cd playback has an edge of smoothness and detail over my Cal Alpha/Delta combo.The sound of sacd at this early stage is incredible and finally the digital format is dead on ,less all of its short comings.This has one serious newly innovative transport, and with the digital output for cd this could allow for great flexibility,teamed up with better, great bang for the bucks upsampling dac.The best of both worlds.While no specific dealers have been mentioned,the SCD-1 has been bought for $3800.(list$5000.) and the SCD-777ES for $2500.(list$3500.)There are at least 46 SACDs available and at least 3 discs will be released each month. Any other owner feedback is greatly welcomed.
Once Sony has their hybrid SACD plant in Germany in full swing,many more discs will be available.Much of the original releases were master tapes that were deteriorating and needed to be archived .
Hi every body, Mark Levinson the founder of Red Rose at New York. They are another high end. they already had a studio at the New York. They are planning to record SACD 3 to 4 disks a month. Good news for who interested on SACD.
I need a new player and I am mainly interested in playing 44k discs. I have considered getting a Wadia 850 $3500 used or a Meridian 508/24 $2000 used. I don't really have access to listening to the SACD stuff. How does the SACD players compare when to the Meridian or Wadia when playing straight 44k? That is, please rate the dacs and outputs against the better standard players. thanks al
A Resolution Audio CD50 beats them all for playing standard CD's. Get one used for around $1600.
I, for one, am sceptical that Sony is interested in anything more than ensuring DVD-Audio is a failure - simply because they lose their royalty stream from the CD technology if DVD-Audio succeeds. If Sony manages to despatch DVD-Audio early on, then will Sony have sufficient motivation to push for better/cheaper SACD? If it does not succeed, then perhaps it would have been better to wait for DVD-Audio. Can someone give me any reason why I should be less sceptical about Sony's SACD?