what mid priced cables should i buy?

i have a brand new integrated krell 300i and a brand new rega planet 2000 cdp and 6 months old bose 901's (speakers)
(i think those 901's r my weakest link so far)
that whole system is connected with low end cables (interconnects and speaker wires worth less than 50 bucks alltogether)
1. i want to spend 350-450 dollars for cables, any suggestions? i dont know much about cables (and frankly im quite skeptic) but i've heard that mit terminator 2 speaker wires r decend, any input?
2. is buying used cables a smart thing to do?
3. the bose speakers has an external EQ\crossover ,
that is hooked up to a tape monitor loop onto the krell 300i
that requires 2 pairs of single ended interconnects,
is it important to upgrade those interconnect as much as the interconnect between the cdp and the integrated amp>?
(should i spend the same amount of money on the tape loop I.C as the krell to the rega I.C ?)
thanks for your help
happy holidays for y'all
Keep the Bose 901s. DO NOT SELL THEM. Build a Quadpod from Old Colony Sound Lab and use them as surround speakers. You won't believe your ears! Just my .02.
Craigklomparens, must have a bad battery in his hearing aid. The proof is in the listening. Anyone who is not that closed minded can hear the differnce(vast improvment)when switching to Kimber PBJ(about $70 for a 1m)from those junk plastic 99 cent throw in cables most mid fi stuff comes with. So you don't have to spend a fortune on your wire products make the improvment you are looking for. Look into the Kimber stuff. And don't listen to the advice of the silly or the deaf.
Get rid of the Krell and keep the Bose 901s!!! What an overpriced and overrated component...buy a Van Alstine integrated and keep the change.

The guys are right: 901s = great surround speakers!