You can use the Zerodust stylus cleaner. It is like a gel, and will not wick up into the cantilever. I think this is what ZYX recommends. The R-100 FS Fuji is a killer cartridge. Also, alot of other cartridges have hollow cantilevers too, they just don't tell you about them. I never use a liquid stylus cleaner myself. Actually, I use a matchbook striker. Works great, costs nothing. If you have any quality at all in the cartridge, the stylus is not going to come off with this method. A couple of strokes on each side, on a 45 degree angle, like the record groove walls, on the contact sides of the stylus, and you are all set. Draw the striker towards you, just like the record would travel under the stylus. I've used this method for 20 years on all types of good quality cartridges, and have never had any bad effects. Linn recommended this method for years. If this worries you, use the Zerodust.
It's kind of funny to me that people look to me for this knowledge, because 20 years ago, all audiophiles knew all of this stuff. It was common knowledge back then. Now it is almost lost.
Take a look at my Virtual System, and you will see what I felt was the best stuff to buy for the money. I will tell you right now that my analog system really kicks ass.