OL Silver , Shelter 501- Looking for phonostage ?

I'm new to analog but i've just purchased a Teres 255
turntable origin live silver arm and shelter 501 cartridge...now i need a phonostage.
i'm looking at purchasing a Black Cube SE (with the bigger power supply) used for around 450, or a used Pass Labs Aleph Ono for around a $1000.
i like the idea of being able to connect the phonostage to my pre amp using xlr's on the pass labs, but does it really worth the extra dough?
in the under $1000 range do you think that there is another phonostage that can outperform the two mentioned above?
Thanks in advance for your help.
I have Shelter 901 and tried a number of different phono stages(about a dozen different ones costing $900 to $3k retail). I really like the sound of ARC PH3(regular or SE) in my system with Shelter 901.
If you don't mind using tubes, VK-P5 will work much better with your preamp than ARC PH3. I had both in my system with VK-5i. There is no contest.
Pass great phonostage also, but given your BAT preamp I would look for a P5 - somebody will be selling eventually. Just wait.
I third the bat vkp-5 as your main choice, I will give you some encouragement they can be found here. I found one for 50 bucks more than your upper range.(it was about a 9.5 in condition). Heres the bad part be patient for it took me about 1 1/2 months to get one. The problem is only 56db of gain and I beleive the ono has 76db of thus makeing it a better choice w/ the shelter 501 .4mv
i'm going to pick up a pass aleph ono tomorrow 10 miles away from where i live (queens,ny) and i love it! (no ups fedex nightmares cash and carry kinda thing) streching my budget a tad
but hey, its not TOO bad ..
vkp - 5 could have been wonderfull and even look great with my vk -40 linestage but knowing pass products, i have a feeling i will not be disappointed.
god bless you all for helping.