Help with TT recommendations.

I'm rediscovering my love for analog and wanted to bring it to the forum for some helpful advice. I inherited a Dual CS-505-3 and an outstanding collection of pristine vinyl. In the few months I've owned the Dual, I've upgraded the cart to a Sumiko Blue Point Special (MC) and modded the tonearm cables (same concept as the Incognito harness mod, only with custom cables & RCA). Although I'm pleased with the results, it's not as responsive and lively as I'd like. It's an older table, albeit well maintained, and it's not giving me "ahhhhhh" that vinyl can deliver.

So, I'm thinking it's time to invest in an entry-level table that scratch my itch. I've come up with several combinations based on threads I've read here and various reviews. I'm hoping you all may have some insight for me.

I typically listen to (1) vintage jazz & classical pressings (all pristine thanks to my benefactor); (2) new remastered 180-200g pressings of jazz (99.9% trio/quintet and some vocal), blues and some funk; (3) 70's-90's folk-rock (wilco/csny/rem/etc.) from my old collection; and virtually no true rock albums.

My current analog rig is made up of:
(1) Dual CS 505-3
(2) MS Phonomena Phono Stage
(3) JPS Superconductor FX IC's
(4) C-J PV-12al pre
(5) C-J MV-2250 amp
(5) Straight Wire Rhapsody S Cables
(6) B&W N805's

I've got a budget of $1500-$1700 for new or used gear and I've conjured up a few combinations that I'm considering:
(1) Basis 1400/RB-250 (w/ OL mod)
(2) Basis 1400/Graham 2.0
(3) Rega P25/RB-600
(4) VPI Scout/RB-250 (w/ OL mod)
(5) VPI Scout/JWM-9
(6) VPI Scout/Graham 2.0

Please keep in mind, I'm not up on all the price points, so some may be far out of my budget. Also, if some of these combos seem a little off or mismatched, that's due to my of TT education, or lack thereof.

Having said all this, I'm seeking your opinions/experiences on which would me the best in terms of value, quality & upgradeability.

One last note, I did read that the Basis 1400 is acutely accurate and almost emotionless in terms of delivery - not that accuracy is a negative characteristic, but one of benefits of analog is it's warmth & emotion it can convey. Although to use an analogy, I've seen some movies that I've absolutely loved that got panned by the critics, so.... I guess your mileage my vary.

Thanks very much for entertaining my ramblings and I look forward to your feedback.

Your system would certainly be capable of resolving a vinyl upgrade. I love my Rega 25 600 and glider combo on ARC Ph3. It's got a lot of the magic vinyl is capable of, and blows away some pretty expensive digital I've had in my system, including Krell 28, EAD, Krell 25Kps, etc.
In that price range, I'd have to recommend just a little more saving, and spend around $2k. That would give you the ability to get a Teres 135, and a Rega RB250 and a Denon DL103R.

These are the reasons.
If you get the Teres 135, it will outperform any of the TTs that you listed, right off the bat. Then there is an upgrade path, that can take you right to the top of the line, in reasonable priced increments.

The RB250 is also common on some of the other TTs you are considering. It is real good right out of the box, and also has an upgrade path, using OL mods, to bring it into the high-end arm category.

The Denon DL103R is about the best low-output MC cart, in the lower price ranges. It is really a very good cartridge no matter what the price. Your phono stage should handle it ok. It will need about 70db of gain.

This is basically how I started out earlier this year. I have had many TTs over the years, but this is my latest iteration. I have moved up to the higher models in all the categories, but what I recommended here is a "giant-killer" kind of rig. And it leaves you a pathway to easy upgrades, without having to sell stuff off. When you finally upgrade to the top model Teres 255, you will have very close to as good as analog can be. At a very low price.

I think that this is the most sensible, and cost-effective way to get into high-end analog. It may not be the cheapest way at first, but it will be the cheapest and best way in the long run. And the sound will be as good as you are ever going to get, without spending $30k.(I am talking about after you go through the upgrade path, not at the starter system. The starter system should be competitive with rigs around $6k.)
thanks twl. in looking through the past threads, i came across a few in which you mentioned the teres tables and i had a look on there site. looks like some very nice equip. and i like the concept of a the weighted wood base. seems like it the wood would keep things warm and the weighting would gove it the stability for accuracy misuc translation.

btw, i had a look @ your system yesterday and your rig is VERY attractive! love the base on your table!
