Thinking about new cartridge

I am thinking of replaceing old faithful (benz glider) I have a TNT JR/ SME 309/ BAT vkp-5/ ZU xaus phono cable.
I am leaning towards a ruby H .8 output because of only 56db of gain in the vkp-5. I am unsure if .5 output would be enough, if it is it opens up a bunch of contenders, shelter 901/ lyra heikon/ VDH black beauty/ ZYX 100fs-h. I dont want to shell out a bunch of coin and find out later it could have been better.
Also I am concerned which one is a good match to the SME 309 arm. All comments and feedback is greatly appreciated.
Thanks David
You don't indicate what other equipment you own, or what kind of "sound" you want in a cartridge, so it's a bit difficult to know what to suggest to you. There are two cartridges, however, that I think ought to be on your audition list:
1. Grado "Reference" (0.5 mV output version) ($1200);
2. Dynavector 17D ($750).

The Grado is a moving iron, and has a wonderfully rich, musical quality to it. The Dynavector has been around for a number of years, but is one of the best moving coil designs, and it gives a number of much more expensive cartridges a real run for their money.
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Thanks all for your imput you all bought up good points. Jfrech nailed what I wanted to hear, someone who has used the vkp-5 w/ a .5 cartridge, may the hunt begin.