Comments on Cal Audio Icon II MK

An older design by cal audio but still good budget systems? Smooth with good upper bass?
I have the HDCD Power Boss version, and I find the sound very smooth and open, with excellent bass response. Altogether, a very musical player. My other equipment includes Bryston BP-25 pre-amp, and I listen a lot through headphones. Amp is Aragon 8008BB with B&W 802 speakers.
I recently bought a used Icon Mk II Power Boss which I am very pleased with running it thru my McCormack ALD-1 & DNA-1. To make sure the Mk II was up to snuff I sent it to Cal Audio for a cleaning an checkup. They only chared $60.00 plus shipping which I think is a great bargain. I would advise doing the same. Al
I own the Icon Mk II Power Boss w/HDCD with which I am very pleased. This is an excellent cd player with alot of muscle in the bass and lower mid region. It is very open sounding and detailed without being bright or harsh in the treble. It also images very well, revealing layers of depth into the sound stage, as well as positioning from left to right. I've seen the Icon MK II on this site going for around $700 - at that price you will definitely not go wrong!!! Don't hesitate to buy one if you find one for sale - you won't regret it. I use mine with silver-clad copper interconnects from LAT international, and I found them to work well with the Icon MK II.