Synergistic Research HFT + FEQ

I heard this tweak at RMAF and brought it home on a 30-day free trial. Unfortunately it turned out to be a real system killer. I had 20 of the HFTs and tried them with and without the FEQ, using a ladder to put them up and take them down repeatedly. I couldn't believe how awful it was. Made it hard to enjoy my otherwise excellent ~$45k system.

I had a similar experience with their Quantum fuse. Never did trust anything with "Quantum" in the title. HiFi Tuning Supreme fuses, on the other hand, made my amps sound significantly better.
As you put up each group of 5 HFT's you will hear the soundstage expand and then become increasingly more rich and detailed.
Still UNDECIDED sticking them on my TAD E1s. Yikes!

I'm remodeling my home and walls are bare so hope these will improve the sound until it's done. Room is 33'x25'x15' and currently system sits on half the long wall. Left hand side is open with no wall so will be interesting.

I finally decided to buy them after watched Peter Breuninger video and have respect for his opinion.

Two sets of HFT's mainly demonstrate that they have an effect. Like you I have a QOL unit in my listening room. I sincerely hope you will order three additional boxes to really tune your room acoustics. With two sets (10 of the little bullets) of HFT's my soundstage changed but lacked focus. AS I put in the next three sets of HFT's I heard a real change for the better. As you have heard, the locations suggested in the instructions are only starting points. With additional HRT's in place you might move the units up or down from where they are now.

I am finding the combination of the HFT's + FEQ unit with the BSG Technologies QOL unit to be sonic bliss.
Well, I guess I am giving it them a thumbs up.
I went ahead and purchased 3 sets. The 3rd set will arrive later this week.

How the heck these little items actually do something is a real mystery to me. But once you try them, your gonna keep them. Just don't tell the wife how much they cost each...
Well, I guess I am giving them a thumbs up.
I went ahead and purchased 3 sets. The 3rd set will arrive later this week.

How the heck these little items actually do something is a real mystery to me. But once you try them, your gonna keep them. Just don't tell the wife how much they cost each...
Knghi: With the open wall, the HFT's can still be utilized. It is easy to make a stand for a HFT. I went to Home Depoit and made a stand using the following: 1"x2"x6 foot board mounted to a 11"x9" wood base. I used 4 L shaped brackets to attach the vertical board to the base. Cost less than $10.00.

On placing the HFT's on speakers, put a trial dab of the HFT's Bluetac on the back of the speaker and then remove. This way you can test to make sure no problems to the finish of the speakers.

With your large lively room the Synergistic Research FEQ Unit will be a big help. It will tighten up the base and lower the floor noise of the room allowing you to hear more of the music.

I look forward to your observations.