Terres motor assembly with Aries

I was wondering if the Teres motor would work with the VPI Aries turntable. I have had an Aries for a few months now and the motor assembly seems to me overly loud. I had a Basis 1400 turntable in my system for a few months and its motor was much quieter. I am having problems isolating the motor vibrations from the turntable. It’s a decent turntable but that along with the arm (JMW 10) has me thinking about a few things. I am thinking about replacing it also, but not sure about that yet. Anyway, any insight, comments, ect are appreciated.

For the interested parties I have a Grado Sonata, Lehmann Black Cube, Classe CP60, McIntosh MC300, and Thiel CS3.6. All ICs and speaker cables are Cardas Golden Cross except for Aries to Cube, just generic IC; haven’t taken the time to get one yet :( I am thinking about upgrading the phono preamp and changing out the Sonata for the Virtuoso Wood. Any thoughts on this or anything else are always welcome. I always enjoy your comments and ideas. They give my “food for thought”.

You guys are great! Happy holidays!

The Teres motor assembly is not easily used with other turntables, because it has a strobe pattern printed on the bottom of the platter, which is read by an optical sensor. This provides speed data to the microprocessor controller, to keep the DC motor at precise speed.
I won't say it is impossible, but it would require some modifications to your TT, and getting specific parts from Teres, to do this. I don't know if the bottom of the Aries platter will even accept this printing, because I don't know what the shape of the underside of its platter looks like. And you would have to drill the plinth for the optical sensor.

However, you may look at the Redpoint motor assembly, which is very good, and has no optical sensor or strobe pattern. It would be alot easier to use that one.
Check out this http://db.AudioAsylum.com/cgi/m.pl?forum=vinyl&n=169493&highlight=teres+motor+on+scout&r=&session=
Well, I just read that stuff at the Audio Asylum, and it says nothing about using the strobe pattern or optical sensor. If they did not use this, then the motor had no speed control. Either they used the optical sensor and the platter printing, or they were out on cloud nine as far as speed control is concerned. I am extremely aware of what the needs are for this motor to be used, becuase I use one every day on my TT. I have used every type of Teres motor system that they have ever made, AC powered, DC powered, and DC Signature. I have never tried using one without the speed control hooked up, and I'm not even sure it would run, and if it did, it wouldn't run well. A DC motor requires a speed control to operate correctly, so if you are planning to do this, please do it the right way.