I know what happened now guys. Ispoke to a few people, and what I found out is:
The guy who did the wire upgrade most likely did not set the tracking force to 3 before disassembling the arm. Therefore, the spring came out of position and was now not optimal. I brought it back to the same guy who did the upgrade in the first place and he removed the spring and set the weight using the counterweight, which is what he suggested to me in the first place.
Zaikesman, the spring in the arm will always add a little upforce, if you remove the spring the arm will not float regardless where the counterweight is or how light the cartridge is. I too did not know this. Origin live suggests setting the tracking force to 3 (which will act like there is no spring at all) and adjust the tracking force using just the counter weight. Somepeople say go one better and remove the spring completely as it adds resonance.
If anybody has any suggestions as to the accuracy of what I have wrote above, I would greatly appreciate it. TWL comes to mind, where are you.