Last CD purchase; M.L. 39 or Wadia 850?

I'm looking for any advice on comparisions between these two fine CD players. I DO NOT, nor will I buy a pre-amp, so its' narrowed down to these two in a shoot off. Can't find any local dealer who carries both. Anyone out there done the comparison? Thanks for any and all comers, opinions, suggestions!
All the SCD-1 blows is smoke. Bring one by my place anytime for a shootout (playing CD's). I'm serious! And prepare to be embarrassed!
I own a Wadia 850 as well as a Wadia 860 and am very familiar with the Levinson 39. I am also a former Wadia employee who was very involved with the development of the 850. I would be happy to discuss this question further with you if you are still debating the issue. My opinions are probably biased but I would be happy to discuss this with you in detail by phone. (651)578-0657
Get a Wadia 860. No contest over the Levinson or anything else for that matter. I had given up on the shrill sound adn un involving sound of CDs until I heard the 860. Bought one the next day. You will find you never appreciated technology as much as thought until you buy an 860. The Levinson sounds much like all other CD players just a little clearer, but still not like real music with rhythm and pace.
My CD50 has gobs of rhythm, pace, musicality, "ease", and any other positive attribute you can think of.