Upsamplers and 24bit/96kHz DACs

Does anyone have any experience with the Assemblage products? Is the DAC 3.0 worth the increased price over the DAC 2.6? Any word on the up-sampler D2D-1, although it has not yet been generally released? How do these compare with other units, like the much less expensive Bel Canto DAC-1 or other similar units? How would these compare with the much more expesive units from dCS?
I've not heard the SF Assmeblage ones, but feel that the DAC-1 represents the best value. A used one would be the way to go, unless you can afford the new dCS ones (none will be on the used market for a while). So that would be like $11,000, versus $850.
See my comparisons from the other topic on 24/96 upsampling. I own the D2D-1, DAC 3.0, Muse5/2+ combo & Muse 8/296 combo. The D2D-1 & DAC 3.0 are wonderful units.
Carl, thank you for your recommendation of the Bel Canto, 1953, I enjoyed your entry under System Maatching on 24/96 upsampling (4/30). I am sorry that I missed it earlier.