How to protect against burglary

I just wanted to get a idea on what other audiophiles have in place to discourage intruders and protect from burglary.

Any good ideas and recommendations for security companies to use?

"Smith and Wesson etc type signs motivate, not discorage, thiefs."

IMO, I don't think so.
Thief's generally don't want confrontation. They want an easy, quick steal.

Just make up some phony alarm signs and attach them to the front of your house.
Home security systems with cameras (not necessary but helps) are a good deterent. Thieves do not like noisemakers. They don't want attention drawn to them. If people are watching, they prefer to go elsewhere. if you have signs in front that advertise security systems, they will typically move on also. Really important is to not advertise what you have in your home to people you really don't know well. Don't let just anyone into your home. They may not break in, but they may have told others what you have and that person may decide they want your stuff. Heavy equipment that is hard to get out when alarms are sounding also will styme thieves. Also, what I have done and recommend is that you have your local Police or Sheriff come by to do an inspection of your home and security. They will give you great insite on what to do to better protect your stuff, family, home. Such as better locks, better windows, motion detector lights high up and all around your home. Eliminate doors with windows where thieves can simply break a plane of glass and open the lock. Eliminate dark hidden spaces on the sides, back or front of your home where a potential thief can sit for hours and no one would see him/her work. Motion detector lights help here. Heavy external doors and good strong locks with long bolts into heavy constructed frames discourage the quick thief. But, again, don't advertise your stuff.

A sign posted that states "Warning, protected by laser alarm system, serious injury or death could occur if unauthorized access is attempted on premises. Enter at own risk!