"must have" accessories for TT and LP?

LIke many others I am ready to take the plunge back into vinyl. In scanning the posts it seems that there should be a list of what you veterans whould consider as essential equipment to tune and maintain a TT and record collection. What would you folks suggest for the items on such a list?
1. DB Systems Protractor
2. Access to a good tracking force gauge like Winds.( If you have friends who listen to LP's chip in for one)
3. A good stiff bristle brush for deep cleaning and a softer one for general cleaning (fluids to match)A stylus brush.
4. Good aftermarket record sleeves to replace the paper and plastic ones your LP's came in.
5. A marginal understanding of VTA(SRA), azimuth, cartridge alignment and tracking force effects on sound and a copy of the Cardas Sweep or HI-Fi News record.
6. Time to listen and enjoy. You can always tweak it later.
All are musts but nobody has mentioned a magnifer glass to examine the needle.David
Ohlala: Cylinderking probably submitted his post while yours was being approved. Kind of "crossed in the mail" type of situation. Sean