Which MIT Speaker Cables?

MIT 770 Ultra Reference, 850 CVT Reference, 850 evo, 850 Oracle Evo, Oracle v4, Oracle V3, Oracle V2 bi-wire....????

I am using a pair of MIT 750 plus and would like to upgrade. What should I choose? (for connection between Avalon Eclipse and Rowland)
Get in touch with Joe Abrams at equusaudio@aol.com. He is very helpful und knowlegeable in matters MIT.
Yes definitely contact Joe Abrams & find out what he has available. His membername = joeabrams. I went from the 750+ to 750 Magnum biwire & am very happy with that; I was already pretty satisfied with the 750+ but the deal came up so I jumped right on it. He had the length I needed at an excellent price so looked no further. At this level probably any of the abovementioned cables would do very well for you.
vtin: since you don't have spectral electronics in your system, you're not legally or otherwise required to use mit cables. try something else. you'll be much happier. i recommend tara with avalons and jrdg. much more open, neutral and musical. -cfb
"I'd be much happier" and "you'll be much happier" are rather different statements. Do your own listening!