Anyone know anything about the Magic Diamond Blue?

I have been reading about this new cartridge (way out of my price range)that is said to be amazing! Sounds like it would be right up Alberts alley! Their is a Signature model that is reported to be even better, but the price WOW!

With the price of realy good cartridges now I think it is time for me to get out of analog and put all my sonic eggs in one digital basket. Analog is a rich man's game. I can remember back when my EMT XSD-15 was damn near state of the art and I paid about $450 for it(I was driving a $65 car to be able to affor that!) When my MC died(R.I.P) I think it may have been the final omen. Nothing I can afford makes me want to listen to my table any more. As good as the Grado Platinum and the latest V15 are they still don't get it for me like a MC with a boron cantilever and the right tip shape. Is it just me, or do these budget cartridges seem to make records that I thought were quiet before sound very noisy and anoying? Is this anyone elses experience?
Twl, you seem to be a real flat, black, and circular type of guy. Am I wrong when I assume that stylus shape is one of the major factors in exagerated noise? I know that the mechanical design plays a role as well, but in your experience do elliptical styli seem to be about the worst for this? I loved the tonal balance of the Grado I had, but could not stand to listen through all the extra surface noise on records that were quiet with my prior cartridge. My records may just be showing their age, and I know that different tip profiles rid in different spots on the groove.

I have been into vinyl for 30 years and for many years thought I would never even buy a CD player. It just seems difficult to optimize a system for two different sounding palyback systems. I am closer that ever to just ditching my table and anything associated with it. I could put the money into improving my CD playback and more CD's, as that is what I seem to use more that 95% of the time now. If I sold my analog rig I could get even closer to the state of the art in CD playback by updating to a new line stage and some other tweeks. It just seems a shame to have a table that just sits there most of the time and I feel that maintaining both causes too many compromises in both play back mediums. Don't get me wrong I was one of the last CD free guys around, I didn't buy a player until about 3-4 years ago, I hated digital, it sucked! My current player is pretty darn good though and sounds more like a
TT than I ever thought possible. I am at the cross roads. I may make a deal with the Digital Devil.
I'm currently using an elliptical diamond in my Shelter 501. I previously used conical in my Denon DL103R and DL103. In the past I have used Linn Karma, Linn Asak, Linn Trak, Koetsu Black, Grace Ruby, Dynavector Karat, Supex 900, Monster Alpha, various Goldrings, Micro-Acoustics, Shure,and probably a few others that I can't remember now.

I think elliptical is a good compromise for tracking and easy alignment, with reduced record contact stress.