AFTER 4 weeks of doing A/B test on these two fine players,I have decided to kept the CD50,THE wadia has in incredible resolution and musicality from the mids on down,I found the upper mids and treble a bit cold and not very extended.THE RESOLUTION AUDIO CD50 has alot of warmth in the mids and very extended highs.I peformed the A/B test with and without a preamplifier,to my amazement and personal opinion both cd players sounded better with a preamp.MY best regards to both WADIA and RESOLUTION AUDIO,kept up the good work guys.ANY COMMENTS FROM END USERS ON THESE UNITS.COMPONENTS USED FOR COMPARISONS: SPEAKERS:montana eps.PREAMP:conrad johnson premier 16LS. AMPS:conrad johnson premier 5 mono blocs.CABLES:ANALYSIS PLUS + POWER snakes king cobras.THANKS FOR YOUR INTEREST.
I also have a CD50 - I use it with a Threshold T3 preamp. I have tried it by itself and thought it sounded great but prefer the convenience of using a preamp (I have other sources).
i own a cd-50,i think that under the current format you just can't get much better than what the cd-50 gives you,it's an incredible player,this is what i call a complete unit,from bottom,mids and highs,it just doesn't get much better than this,i'm going direct to a vtl tube amp,it's amazing(the detail,the presence,the soundstage,the rythm everything just blends perfectly,i just love this player, the best thing about this player is that works perfectly with every type of music,rock,jazz,pop,classical(not for me) anything,and that's the way to judge a component,don't give me that nonsense that oh wow i love how this player does classic,or jazz,or rock music,if you're really good than you'll do them all with the highest quality regardless of what you throw at them(think about it),and the cd-50 as far as i'm concerned can dance w/just about anything outthere REGARDLESS OF PRICE,when i go to a concert i love the way the music gets to me and that's what i get w/cd-50,AL
My CD50 sounds like a good analog rig. Says something, doesn't it? I run it straight into my Krell amp, and I'll probably never part with it. I don't think it has a warm midband, I just think it has essentially no character at all, other than what the particular recording has. It's an extraordinalrily satisfying hunk of audio gear to live with, and I never thought I'd like something more than my Krell, until I was fortunate enough to find the CD50. I feel sorry for guys that must settle for less, especially since they usually don't have to. Cheers...
If you have not made a decision yet, don't! IMHO the CD-50 is a better player. However, the new CD55 will be out in a month or so. Michael Nadolny of Resolution Audio states that the following changes have been made: New mechanism with improved reading capability Custom DSP filter Use of Burr-Brown 1704 (96 kHz-24 bit) D/A chips New analog output section Numerical volume indicator The list price will still be $3000 direct from Resolution Audio.