I need help choosing a power conditioner.

I am interested in adding an inexpensive power line conditioner to a second system that I have in a spare bedroom. Stereo only, no video. Budget is $150.00 used and some recommended contenders are, API Power Pack 2, Adcom Ace 515, one of the various Monsters, 2500 maybe. Degree of system improvement is the only criteria and I would appreciate input from respondants with experience with at lease two units so that I can get a contrast. Please feel free to add other models into the mix. Your knowledge and guidance are greatly appreciated.
Viridian, Check the Dave Magnan home-brew recipes for power conditioning. He gives simple solutions for little money if you are a little handy with a soldering iron.
At that price break, I would forego any power conditioner as it may offer little or no benefit and may actually worsen the sonics. If you bought a $300 lc for $150, then that could be better.

And by all means try to borrow a high quality line conditioner for a/b comparisons with the inexpensive lc. That way, you can be assured exactly what you're getting or not getting with the inexpensive lc.
I would also consider getting a couple Blue Circle Noisehounds $100 each (one is OK). Nothing else at that price will clean power as well.
After my house being hit by lightning, through my satelite, I would recomend some type of protection no matter what it cost. My damage was over 10k in electronics (stereo & computer) luckily no fire. I use Panamax products currently but I have read great things about some of the Monster products. Conditioning is included as a bonus in most of the more inexpensive units. I use a Panamax 1000 that would fall in your price range, It has been discontinued "I think" but there are still plenty available. Give Panamax a look IMO they are comparable to what you have listed.