What would one replace Nordost Valhalla with??

Just wondering what others have replaced the Nordost Valhalla with?? What have people who Audition them gone with?? I am also looking for options other than the Nordost SPM Reference speaker cable. I have both right know in my system and am looking for other options. I think the two together is to much of a good thing and would like a little warmer sound.
First a disclaimer: I'm highly biased towards MIT, both as a reseller and as a former employee.

In the last two years, many of my friends/clients have done direct comparisons between the top Nordost cables and the MIT Oracle Series. In every case where there was a purchase decision to be made, the the end-user went for the Oracle. Part of the reason for this is because MIT provides for impedance-matching of interconnects and also for amplifier-type-matching of speaker cables.
Best of luck,