Upsampling DACS: Take the Pepsi Challenge

HAs anyone used 2 of the following 3 relatively inexpensive upsampling DACs: Perpetual technologies, Bel Canto, MSB Link 3 with upsampling upgrade?? I am trying to sort out the details of the new technologies. The Perp Tech can "interpolate", while the others do not. I am under the impression that the "24 bit" part of this new technology has to do with s/n ratios aroung 140 db, which is great, but a little useless considering the other equipment in the system. The sampling freq is the part that has me all aflutter, because it seems to be getting closer to analog quality "infinite sampling" if you will... What do you think? Has anyone compared these dacs?? Thanks, gang.
Regarding "taking the Pepsi Challenge", I logged on to the Pepsi web site, and cannot find where they actually market a Upsampling DAC of any kind. Thinking Gthirteen confused Pepsi with Coca Cola, I visited Coke's site too....still no DAC's. Are you guys sure that these fine soft drink companies are into digital, or perhaps their "fizz" is all "0's" and no "1's".
As soon as the author gives me permission, I will post a note on this thread and will likely also build a link from our web site. Kevin Halverson
Carl, I did let "those who design them speak for themselves" by seeking out an answer on this topic from one of the leaders in digital design and then posting Jeff Kalt's e-mail reply here. Did you search for answers OR did you already know it all?!! I humbly entered this thread looking for answers to my questions regarding upsampling/oversampling. You, however, replied with your usual collection of technical terms (organized in nonsensical ways) AND got hostile to boot! Carl, nobody likes a hostile blowhard. From my limited understanding of how a digital processor works, I suspected that upsampling was the same, or nearly the same, as oversampling. After seriously considering your nonsense, I asked Jeff Kalt for an answer. I chose to ask Resolution Audio for two reasons: 1.) Resolution Audio now markets an "Upsampling" processor. 2.) I could kick myself for it now, but I actually thought that MAYBE you knew what you were talking about and just couldn't express it in a way I understood. Since you spoke so highly of Jeff Kalt's talents as a digital designer, I thought, perhaps, he could express what you could not. As we all know now, you didn't have a clue what you were talking about and upsampling and oversampling are the same thing! Oh, I performed your test. Heard a little golf ball in the top octaves and about a 2 footer in the upper bass. I don't know, I prefer listening to music (Miles Davis sounds good today), but to each his own. Jordan
Jordan, you are quite right, I'm full of nonsense, have never known what I'm talking about, and never listen to anything but pink noise on my system. I'm glad that you are so humble as to proclaim that you know so little, yet are perfectly open minded, and have found the truth of truths. Yes, indeed, nobody likes a blowhard. We all make mistakes, and it is you who is the blowhard now. Shut up already! At least I have a real man's name, and not an ambiguous-gender one....