jukebox w. DAC, can it be good?

I am now setting up the music system. I Should end up with a C Johnson pv 12 and C J SS. Don't cringe, I'd like to use a jukebox CD as a transport and couple it with a DAC. I haven't used a DAC before, so this is new territory for me. The WAF pushes the Jukebox thing. Can we get 'good' (not approaching perfect) sound out of this arrangement. Any suggestions for products. I'd prefer to go used for the DAC
Thanks, Martin
The Pioneer Elite PD-F27 holds 301 CD's and has both a Toslink digital out and a coax digital out. I'm using an EVS Millenium II DAC with it and an Illuminations D-60 interconnect. I'm very happy with the sound. I also have a Denon 2800 and when I've compared them it is pretty tough to say which sounds better. I've never compared my set up to a top of the line single transport. But a few of my friends who have single players agree that my current set up sounds on par with theirs. Before I got the EVS DAC I was using an MSB Link DAC III connected with a Toslink cable. That sounded good as well. I tried a Marantz 9100 changer and the only reason I did not keep it was that it does not have a coax digital out, only a Toslink. I couldn't connect to the EVS DAC as it does not have a Toslink input. The Marantz did sound very good however on its own. You may be happy with it without even using a DAC. I know Sony and some others make changers too but I've had no experience with them.
While I haven't used a jukebox as a transport, I would strongly recommend a jitter reduction device such as an Audio Alchemy DTI 2.0 or Pro. I would also suggest a more "forgiving" or rich sounding dac such as a Micromega DUO BS2. Another option would be to investigate the Art DI/O as a possible dac or even to take the analog out of the jukebox and convert to digital and back, using the tube warmth and upsampling capabilities of the Art DI/O.
Sony has a bunch of changers, but spend a bit extra and get one of their ES models. They hold about 400 CDs. I've got 3 of them hooked up to a very nice system, and while it's not the last word in audio, it's a bunch of fun to hit random play and let the tunes roll. Very decent sound, and it doesn't preclude you from someday getting a nice CD player for "serious" listening. -Kirk
I was also thinking along this line and started wondering how one manages 400+ CDs--Kthomas, how can you figure out what to listen to with 1200?? Its mindboggling to me why they can put extensive brainpower in a Apple iPod, but can't seem to figure out a reasonable interface to create playlists and things for a CD jukebox...

I want my CD jukebox to talk to CDDB on the internet and download track titles. I then want to be able to arrange them in playlists rationally.

Anyone ever play with the Slink-E and DJ software from Nirvis (www.nirvis.com)? The only problem with going this route seems to be that you suddenly need a computer in the room too...
I agree that with a good digital cable, a good DAC, and a good jitter-reduction device, a jukebox with a halfway decent transport and coax digital out will sound pretty damn good and will probably make you feel that you're not missing much at all. Each one of these pieces will significantly affect the sound you get, so you'll have to do some demo time to find the right cable, DAC, and jitter device combo, but it'll be worth it. If it were me I'd look for a used EVS Millennium DAC(I or II, with the II you might not need jitter device), an Apogee Wyde Eye digital cable, and a Monarchy jitter unit. With more cash I'd probably still stay with the EVS DAC but upgrade to an Acoustic Zen or Zcable interconnect and an Assemblage jitter unit if you can still find one. Best of luck.
