"Good grief, now we've got audiophiles hearing "PRAT" over the telephone..."
Caribbean audiophiles--that is. Jahaira & I have been raised listening, singing and dancing Afro-Caribbean music. We have an unbelievably good sense of rhythm and timing. When I was in grade school we used to piss off the teachers by using the desktops as drums and improvising rhythms(descargas). Where I come from people bring their drums and instruments to the beach and happy hours on the street and sing and play for hours and hours. It's not coincidence we have the highest number of Latin Grammy nominations.
What I wrote might be impossible for you, but not for us. I mean, there's people in Fiji that walk barefooted over red hot rocks...good grief!
Since you like proof, dear Zaikes, I'm giving you some:
When Columbia records decided to record their first crossover album with the Fania All Stars (1976-77) they sent one of their executives to the first rehearsal. Fania All Stars is composed of pretty much the top salsa players in each instrument--and most of those are percussion instruments--even the string bass is played upbeat! Anyway, the record executive showed up with a *metronome* --so that the Fania All Stars could "keep their rhythm!". Such is the ignorance level out there. If a Columbia Records executive did that, I'm not surprised nor offended by your comment. Next time you get to go to a Caribbean party for Anglos watch how they dance--maybe you'll understand. Because of that incident w/Columbia, the album was titled "Rhythm Machine".
Regarding my unhappiness if I didn't "have anyone to pick up a fight", I have forwarded you a copy of an e-mail between Kevin and I, where I state that I was glad that the 1200 bashers were gone--and directing him to this thread. I was wrong.
Will you also be "sure" about me being "insecure"?
Caribbean audiophiles--that is. Jahaira & I have been raised listening, singing and dancing Afro-Caribbean music. We have an unbelievably good sense of rhythm and timing. When I was in grade school we used to piss off the teachers by using the desktops as drums and improvising rhythms(descargas). Where I come from people bring their drums and instruments to the beach and happy hours on the street and sing and play for hours and hours. It's not coincidence we have the highest number of Latin Grammy nominations.
What I wrote might be impossible for you, but not for us. I mean, there's people in Fiji that walk barefooted over red hot rocks...good grief!
Since you like proof, dear Zaikes, I'm giving you some:
When Columbia records decided to record their first crossover album with the Fania All Stars (1976-77) they sent one of their executives to the first rehearsal. Fania All Stars is composed of pretty much the top salsa players in each instrument--and most of those are percussion instruments--even the string bass is played upbeat! Anyway, the record executive showed up with a *metronome* --so that the Fania All Stars could "keep their rhythm!". Such is the ignorance level out there. If a Columbia Records executive did that, I'm not surprised nor offended by your comment. Next time you get to go to a Caribbean party for Anglos watch how they dance--maybe you'll understand. Because of that incident w/Columbia, the album was titled "Rhythm Machine".
Regarding my unhappiness if I didn't "have anyone to pick up a fight", I have forwarded you a copy of an e-mail between Kevin and I, where I state that I was glad that the 1200 bashers were gone--and directing him to this thread. I was wrong.
Will you also be "sure" about me being "insecure"?