Low end TT vs. Hi end CD

so, i will soon have a good phono stage (supratek), to replace the numark mixer ...

do you think a technics 1200 can sound better than a wadia 860x?

right now, with a cheap cartridge and a cheap phono stage, the wadia kicks the technics butt.... (but i can hear some inkling of how the technics COULD sound pretty good)...
"Psych do you honestly think you are giving Denis the best advice based on his equipment."

Yes, I think so. It was him who mentioned *purchasing* a 1200 to begin with. If he's got such an expensive rig he should know a little bit about audio--or risk falling prey to unscrupulous salesmen.

"Can a $500 turntable, better a 6k cd unit, used on a very revealing system. The answer to this question is only common sense."

I think the thread's title pretty much answers the question were in not by the fact that I have ordered two "Wadia Killer" CD transports (AIWA XC-35M & XC-37M, less than $100 each). There's simply too much overrated gear in *high end*. Therefore, I don't look at equipment in "$500 vs 6K" terms...

"The rest of us think he would be better served saving his money for something more complementary to his other components."

He already has the TT! Like Deano taught me, "Never pass up an audition." I bet "the rest of us" haven't auditioned a modded 1200 vs other higher priced decks. Like it always happens. I wrote I might do the Wadia/1200 comparison in the future--once I've done all the mods.

"I know only to well, what a revealing amp and speakers, can make a entry level front end sound like."

Just because amp and speakers are revealling does not necessarily mean more musical. I do have revealling and musical amp and speakers (Melos SHA-1 linestage, Forté 4A amp & Modwright Swans M1 speakers). I purchased the Forté 4A per Sean's recommendation. He said if my front end was good enough I would be able to reap the Forté's benefits. After letting it run for three days straight I e-mailed Sean what I was hearing. His reply was that I had given "a pretty accurate description of how that amp sounds". Therefore, my front end is up to speed...

"you guys are throughing good money away, trying to polish a turd. I guess you guys are dj's, in that case DD Turntables and Stanton cartridges are the ticket. good luck!"

"I am sorry I hurt your feelings with my thoughtless comments, but I do not think I am the fool here."

No, you haven't--how could you?

Oh, not all this Planet's caucasian men are Anglos, BTW. For example, 80% of the Arab world is caucasian--so much for the "sand n*****" stereotype. Anyone seen recent pictures of blonde Afghanis with green eyes? I was referring to "conditioning" to rhythm and timing as we grow up (that's what the grade school reference is for). No intention to attach racial stigma. Much of our musical heritage is Arab--not just African. The Arabs conquered most of Spain for some 800 years.

Have a great weekend and...

Roni, I realize what you are saying about the benefits of DTM getting a better TT in absolute terms, but I stand by my statement that the TT he already has can (combined with a decent cart and phonostage) give more *musical* pleasure on some levels than a much more costly (and quite possibly any) "Redbook" digital rig. Such is the inherent advantage of the more information-rich medium. Put another (more relevant) way, the 1200 - without any special tweaking - can serve as a fine intro to the pleasures of vinyl, and if Dennis keeps it for the time being while he gets himself some more records first, I am confident that the TT will not do anything to turn him off from pursuing the analog path long-term.

P.S. - Francisco, don't take the "PRAT" thing personally; I don't believe in this conceptual buzzword from any audiophiles as it pertains to gear, only in its constituent parts as they pertain to music. And about the insecurity crack - anybody who picks fights just so he can defend himself the way you enjoy doing is insecure to some degree, myself included. Surely insecurity about my TT, rather than any particular dissatisfaction with its sound, is what drove me to do all the tweaking in the first place. Guess what? All audiophiles fit the same damn description, which is why we're just a bunch of over-analytical nuerotic sensualists.
Zaikesman,ok I give, the 1200 sounds better than any cd player. This is GREAT news. All I know is the last time I put a cd player (Nad) into my system to check the cd vs. vinyl thing was about 8 years ago and vinyl still ruled. In all the equipment reviews I have read, reviewers really praise those megabuck cd rigs. Take the Linn for example.
Denis you might as well keep your wadia, because I hear its only worth about a hundred bucks used.

Psych why are you buying cd players?
Just ordered couple of records from GEMM.com

what an awesome site. you can find anything! i was really impressed with the selection.

we'll see how the TT sounds with my new phono stage. i'm seriously considering givin up the wadia, making some money to pay down a little debt, AND getting a new TT setup! analog is definitely cheaper than digital to set up.