Question for LP-12 owners

I have read a lot of threads regarding upgrades for the LP-12. For those of you that have upgraded your LP-12 with motors, arms, bases etc., the descriptions of the differences had to do with quietness, space, detail retrieval etc. But what about PRAT? That is the sole reason I bought my LP-12, but I never see anything about this when reading these descriptions of the differences. If I were to upgrade my LP12, that is what I would be worried about most. Have any of these changes affected PRAT significantly?

I found the answer on another thread...thanks anyway.



for any other newbies...
The only Linn upgrade that has a reputation for compromising PRAT is the Trampolin. Can't vouch for the mods sold by Extreme Phono, but if you stay with Linn itself, the upgrades are all good. Some are expensive, for sure, but I started with a basic LP12 eons ago and have liked every upgrade. I skipped the Trampolin on the advice of my dealer. I added Lingo, Ekos, Cirkus, Troika and later Arkiv. Ekos was lowest value, Cirkus highest. Lingo is excellent, too, probably worth doing ahead of an Arkiv. I've never heard the Linto, but it is on my long term list. I thought that a pneumatic isolation platform (Townshend) was not as good as a sandbox (Brightstar), but that is room- and system-dependent.
whknopp0713.......lingo is good up-grade.but have you tried a armegaddon..or heard the lp-12 with one...i had the lingo and switched to the even more the way had the linto also using a prefix.....i also tried a stage line with flat-cap and hi-cap..and super cap........its also a better value and less expensive one and you can improve it over time.....i agree with you about the ekos arm...regards bora.