The only Linn upgrade that has a reputation for compromising PRAT is the Trampolin. Can't vouch for the mods sold by Extreme Phono, but if you stay with Linn itself, the upgrades are all good. Some are expensive, for sure, but I started with a basic LP12 eons ago and have liked every upgrade. I skipped the Trampolin on the advice of my dealer. I added Lingo, Ekos, Cirkus, Troika and later Arkiv. Ekos was lowest value, Cirkus highest. Lingo is excellent, too, probably worth doing ahead of an Arkiv. I've never heard the Linto, but it is on my long term list. I thought that a pneumatic isolation platform (Townshend) was not as good as a sandbox (Brightstar), but that is room- and system-dependent.