SACD- Is it the DAC or the Transport ?

Is there any part of a "current" DAC or Transport that is usable with the SACD format. ...or is does the SACD format require both DAC AND transport to be "SACD"? I'm thinking about buying a new outboard DAC but don't want to shut myself out from SACD, which is definitly MUCH BETTER than regular CD. Any suggestions on which route to take? Thanks!
SACD uses different type of laser in the transport to read the 1s and 0s in the recorded medium. Regular cd's uses red laser while SACD uses blue laser which is able to read much smaller pits and depths. So for SACD players that are able to play both regular and SACD, they are equip with both types of laser. SACD uses a different DAC to convert the digital signal to analog.
Look at an Audio Logic 2400 DAC - it is guaranteed to be SACD compatible (will need a transport to send it a digital bitstream) and sounds marvelous today!!
Accuphase makes a dac which will play both formats, also there DP75V is able to take a DSD stream and convert it to analog. Sharp makes an integrated amp that can read a DSD bit stream, also Accuphase makes a DSD transport. Perpertual technologies is promising DSD decoding in there soon to be released DAC Dodson is promising DSD compat..., the net net is there are options available if you don't want to go with the Sony.