Best Cd Player for $2000 used

I'm looking for a used cd player thats around $2000 dollars. I've considered the Audio Research Cd2 and the Classe CDP-1 anything else I should consider?
May I suggest the Muse model 5 transport and 2+ DAC. They perform the best when used thru the 13W3 interface. I consider this a "2 box" player and go for about $1500-1600 used. I have had a lot of CD players thru my system, including some of the ones above and this is the only one that got stuck for a couple of years, only to be ousted by the Model 8/296 and not because there was any radical difference on normal CD play back. I found no radical difference from the players above but there was a certain musical "solidity" about the Muse's presentation. I just kept coming back to it to listen to music. Very musically satisfying. The Model 5/2+ combo is rather rare on the used scene, but well worth the effort.
I am in agreement with the Resolution cd50; however, if you could stretch your budget a bit, you could get the cd55 and have true state-of-the-art sound from the current cd standard. Many of the above mentioned cd players have spent time in my system and I always went back to the Res. I owned a cd50 for abt 2 yrs, and have just taken delivery of a cd55 and it is phenomenal. I'm the one who turned John Marks onto the cd50 for his wallace steven's stereo in TAS. Stereophile shouldn't have anything to do with the cd55, they'd just diminish it to appease their high dollar adverts from levinson & krell. You can email me and I'll give you a good place to get a deal on a cd55 if you're interested.
Soupcon, thanks for your input. I just meant that more people would likely see it if sphl got it, but you are right, the review itself would likely be invalid and hurt more than help...although there are several at TAS that might screw it up, too.
In that price range(or perhaps a few more$$$)you may be able to grab a second hand BAT VK-D5. It is a superb unit with an absolutely stunning midrange portrayal. Highly recommended. Good Luck