What are the best cartridge matches for Linn LP12?

I have a Linn LP12 with Basik Plus tonearm. Presently I am using an old (but in good condition) Grado G-1+ cartridge. I notice a little hum but otherwise I like the sound (balance, detail, warmth).

What are some great upgrade paths for cartridges from $100-300 (new or used)? How do different cartridge brands sound on the LP12?

I am using an old Dynaco PAT-5 modified preamp and a Dyanco ST-150 modified power amp. Overall I'm pretty comfortable with these for the time being.
Ag insider logo xs@2xpbowne
I just put a new Linn Adikt ($300) on my LP12/Basic Plus. I like it a lot, without being able to compare it to many other choices. It's likely to be a little more vivid, and with a slightly leaner midrange than a Grado, but without the annoying hum problems. And, or course, it's meant to work well tonally and mechanically with the table and the arm.
I like the Goldring cartridges with the Basik tonearm. I am pretty sure that the Linn Adikt is a OEM version of the Goldring 1042. Audio Note also uses a OEM 1042 for their MM cartridge lineup. It is a good cartridge.
I might be more concerned with matching the cartridge to the phono preamp (or vise versa).