The big audiophile dilem

This is about the third time I ask (sorry but I didnt had any good reply yet:) I need to know your speaker cable recommendation for my setup: Mini Utopia with a YBA 2HCDT AMP. I want to have the most transparent cable with no boost or cut and great resulution.

Thanks in advance.
Well, I've plenty of experience with the JM labs stuff, and know the sound of the YBA gear as well. MY suggestion would be to go with some Harmonic Pro 11 or 9 wires, if you can spend the money they command. At that price, there's nothing that competes, really! Actually, I take that back, Acoustic Zen Satori's are in that class as well, but a bit more money overall. I've tried just about every immaginable cable out there...Nordost's stuff, Audio Quests offerings, MIT, Cardas Golden Cross, etc, etc, and I find those HT cables to be as clear, detailed, neural, and resolved as any!!...very good indeed. The pure silver cables out there for speaker wires will ALWAYS be lean sounding overall. And it's gotten to a point, with better cable designs, where the copper stuff has lot's of detail and extension if done right! Although sometimes this costs, oh well.
Other chioces for really clear sounding, ultra rez/detailed cables, w/good balance throughout, are the Audioquest cables above the Caldera's. Cardas golden Ref's are worth a try, and sounded extermely good in some of the sytems I've heard over the last few months. I assume you can spend a bit, as you have Mini Utopia's.
Good luck
Have you tried Siltect cables? They are very transparent and musical with great details. Check them out.
My local YBA/Pass Labs dealer is a custom speaker builder.
They use Focal drivers in their top speakers. They recently changed to the top Ixos cables in their reference system.
Everyone who's heard the new cables liked them - even before they were fully broken in.
Jaques Mahal visited & even he was impressed..
The speaker cable retails for $1200.00 a pair, I believe.
I have the next level down, at $200.00 a pair it beat the $600.00 XLO I was using...

For transparency, detail and no boom, you'll get great results with Nordost SPM. There may be better at the price, but SPM hits the spot for sure.