Cd direct to power amp

I have a Wadia 830 cd player, currently connected to a Krell integrated and Aerial Acoustic 6bs. I am thinking about connecting directly to a power amp, and would like to know thoughts and experiences. I am considering Bryston, Classe and Krell. I know I can bypass the Krell preamp, but at this time, I only have balanced interconnects and the amp part of the krell integrated only accepts rca. I would appreciate hearing your experiences and suggestions. Thanks,blbloom
After some years, I jumped back into audio about one year ago. Bought a Sony XA20-ES with variable outputs and went directly into an ARC D-76A driving Magnepan 1.6's. The sound was too bright ie harsh for my tastes. Sounded electronic! Next I found an ARC LS-1 and when using this linestage things seemed MUCH better. Following the threads on Audiogon, I began to wonder how much an outboard DAC would improve my sound. After much reading I decided to go to Van Alstine and ordered their Omega IV DAC. I inserted this into my system and truthfully I wasn't very impressed. I called Van Alstine and they advised me to eliminate the LS-1 which was easy because my power amp has a volume control for each channel. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! What I experienced was nothing like my original system without the LS-1. For the first time I was hearing the most accurate, dynamic and simply the most magical audio I had ever experienced. This is where I intend to stay with my sound. I just enjoy the music.
I recently sold my Audio Research preamp and now have my Wadia 850 runing directly into my McCormack DNA.5 via Nordost SPM. I must admit this is the best my system has sounded. I was a little afraid regarding the loss in resolution but to my experiece I have not had any issues in this department. I don't seeing myself putting a preamp back in my system at all. I will spend the money on a Wadia upgrade instead.
Randalleron - If you adjust the output to keep the average listening level near "85" or so, then you cannot get listening levels whre you want them for certain CDs recorded at a lower level, or when you are in the mood for some punch!! If you adjust the output internally to allow for that, average listening levels end up being in the 70's - too much bit-chopping. I think first impressions are that direct is better - again the clarity increases. But, to my ears, so does listening fatigue and "cringing" during certain passages. We have to be careful searrching for the holy grail of "detail" as I feel it leads to systems that are far too analytical. Music is not analytical ... it is music.