Recommend CD Player with Volume Control

I have Magneplanar 3.6Rs and Classe CAM-350 monoblocks and am looking to add a CD player. Since this will be my only source, I am looking for a CD player that has volume control/variable output and I will bypass the preamp. 24 bit, HDCD, and upgradability are definite advantages. Any suggestions in the $2000 price range (new or used)?
Read the above again, I found essentially none of the things Ryan found, and my conclusions about this player are mine, and also those of many others. And if you bought one, they'd be YOURS! YOURS!
It's obvious that you, Carl, are missing the point that I'm trying to make. This is why. I own, and enjoy tremendously, a CD-50! You were so blinded by the fact that I raised the notion of individuality and personal preferences, that it never entered your mind to ask what I happen to be using in my system. To everyone else, I apologize for getting off track from the initial thread. In that regard, I too recommend the CD-50 without hesitation. That's just MY preference. It may not suit everyone's taste.
OK, so you just wanted to pick an argument, then. That's petty, and if you think you're telling me anything I don't already know (that everyone doesn't like the same thing...although you stated that wrong), you're wasting your time. I was talking specifics, and you were wondering why, when you had the player all along. Pipe down, already...
Smarting as I am to the rebukes I received for my Take the Audiophile Quiz post, I am wondering if we can't reach some agreement to keep these discussions positive. We all have a strong interest and love for music. We all want to see others enjoy the experiences we've had with music and equipment. Why is it necessary to inject anger into these threads? It is easy to slam somebody in cyberspace because you don't have to ever interact with them in person. But ultimately, I think this undermines the attempt to learn from one another so we can further enjoy this hobby of ours. And isn't it really just that -- a hobby? We're not talking about life and death, political gains and losses, or anything else in which one of us is going to win and another is going to lose. So can't we keep things polite, even when we don't agree with one another?
This forum was and is very polite, Michael, and there will never be agreement in this hobby...please don't otherwise delude yourself on that. We are all here because we love music thru audio, and that's not really "just a hobby", is it? Posting it twice doesn't help, either....................It's clear that Shelton simply wanted to belabor a point obvious to all of us, stated it wrongly, and then hid the fact that he knew the CD50 was a terrific player. As the glib and verbally challenged simpletons always sate on here..."nuff said".