Recommend CD Player with Volume Control

I have Magneplanar 3.6Rs and Classe CAM-350 monoblocks and am looking to add a CD player. Since this will be my only source, I am looking for a CD player that has volume control/variable output and I will bypass the preamp. 24 bit, HDCD, and upgradability are definite advantages. Any suggestions in the $2000 price range (new or used)?
To clarify one thing, when I say "never be agreement", I mean perhaps what Shelton thought he was trying to "teach" me. That we won't always agree on the various intricacies of this "hobby". BUT, (this relates to my point) that does NOT meant that when a product works very well (like the CD50), that there won't be a clear consensus to the positive feelings of the vast MAJORITY of those who have owned or heard the product. Denying that is what I perceive Shelton is actually doing, and that's like denying that the sky is USUALLY blue in the daytime, when there are no clouds. That is my point: that Shelton actually agreed with all the rest of us on the CD50 (except Ryan alone), and yet he denied that most of us could somehow be in agreement on it, because we "would all hear it differently". I submit that there IS a median human audibility curve, and any aduiologist will provide those facts for you, Shelton. There's also a "mean degree of 'adequate' system set-up and synergy of fidelity" that most of us in this "hobby" have arrived at, so there is a reasonable degree of "translation" from ONE system (whose performance has been optimized adequately), TO THE NEXT. I'm not talking between systems where there are problems, I'm talking between ones where there are few if any problems. Any system that provides a satisfying musical rendition, and also displays in obvious fashion the difference bewteen one recording's character, to the next, is my definition of such an audio system. And, MOST OF MY ACQUAINTANCES ON HERE HAVE SUCH SYSTEMS, so that, in a practical sense, DISPROVES Shelton's little theory for me, and I hope for the rest of you...............The rest is for the Supreme Court to decide, and I hear Remquist and a few of the other justices are in a bad mood today, because they haven't been able to listen to their CD50's enough, of late...
Hello is the Audigon or "Carl_eber_gon". I wish carl_eber was gone. What is up with this constant carping, whining about the Resolution Audio CD50 being God's gift to humanity. It almost seems like when God gave the 10 commandments to Moses, Carl_eber was lurking around the background and God gifted him with the Resolution Audio CD 50. Lo and Behold, a messiah was born --- carl to the crusade of the CD 50.
I agree with you Carl that there has to be some element of objectivity for any of this to make sense. I am sorry for the double submission of my post. It was an accident. I stand by my comments suggesting that we should refrain from antagonism in these posts.
Michael, I have a right to defend my pont of view, and you possess just as much personal antagonism, in pointing out how you think I should (or should not) say what I say, singling me out, perhaps.....Sunny, thanks so much for your "non-antagonistic" comments. God is a good God, and I hope you can aspire to know him in some way...wishing I was "gone" seems like you might want to play God yourself (and perhaps you might be more aligned with that fallen angel that felt the same need). I'm merely discussing the merits of audio equipment, and philosophies. God probably doesn't care much, and likely has a better audio system than all of us anyway. I'm pretty sure they didn't even have electricity in the time of Moses...perhaps you should double check that.
And sorry for the typos. I'm glad that you at least agree with me on my points about translatability, Michael.