Recommend CD Player with Volume Control

I have Magneplanar 3.6Rs and Classe CAM-350 monoblocks and am looking to add a CD player. Since this will be my only source, I am looking for a CD player that has volume control/variable output and I will bypass the preamp. 24 bit, HDCD, and upgradability are definite advantages. Any suggestions in the $2000 price range (new or used)?
And Shapiro, do you own a CD player with volume control, and connect it straight into your amplifier? Are you scared to answer such a simple question? That's the response I expected...find a thread that deals with audio subjects that you have experience with, perhaps you'll have something relevant to say there...but I doubt it.
And Jla, you need to shut up, until you have something relevant to say PERTINANT TO THIS THREAD. I don't care if you (or any of you) are tired of me, or not. You're a crybaby. Who the hell asked you to read my posts in the first place? Your computer has an off switch; use it, or else find another forum, cause I'm not leaving...and you couldn't do anything about it anyway.
in Carl's defense he opened his comments with a three word statement and then asked someone to expand on their position (very reasonably I might add if you read closely). Since that time comments and suggestions specific to HIM have been coming from left field and contributing little to the original question. I don't know Carl and have agreed with him very few times, but I respect anyone who will back-up their opinions and challenge others to do the same. It seems to me some of the energy directed at Carl comes from those at a loss for words related to audio. For the record, from all that I have seen with his name on it(many many things) I agree with him on two things only: the cd50, the moses electricity thing. He adds flavor to this site simply because he substantiates his position with an uncompromising style. This world has plenty of jerks just more opinionated than Carl but with a hell of a lot less to say, IMHO
Once again Carl you are right. Regarding this thread my vote is for either the Wadia 850 or 860...Carl's favorites and BTW I own an 850. Now Carl don't get your panties in a twist over this one...
Thats a backhanded compliment but I agree with what you say, Petland. I have seen many questions, by a lot of people, that can seem pointed and thus taken the wrong way. I think that "provocative" questions/responses to individuals who post gives rise to the opportunity for the (came before)person posting to elaborate on their comments. It's people, just like Carl (and others), that are a great catalyst for that. Unfortunatley, for many of you, my posts are rather long but I aim to be concise, make my point and back it up with "something". Sometimes head-butting is enevitable (it's the nature of this medium) but it also makes it fun!