Best used class A amp with Wadia 860x

Just purchased my first High end CD Player, a used (4 month old) Wadia 860x and now i need recommendations for an amp that will do it justice. I'm not sure if i should be looking for a Class "A" amp or other ?? My speakers are B&W N803's and I'm looking to connect the Wadia direct to the amp. I've been thinking that I should be looking for a used Mark Levinson, Plinius, Jeff Rowland or Pass Labs X Series. Any suggestions including model #'s would be very helpful. Thank's in advance, Jerry
tommy Duzajabba, are you a dealer. someone else just recommended the 8Ti. It is expensive new
Yo Hillyg I am not a dealer, but I have personal experience with your speakers I had Ascent,Eclipse and Eidelon and they sound (if you like sound) the best with Jeff Rowland which are also possible the finest solid state electronics in the world. Good Luck Tommy