VPI HR-X vs SME 20

Hi all,
I’m on market for new turntable and can't decide between two: SME20/A
and new VPI HR-X, I had a chance to listen to SME20/2A and I was impressed it had great bottom end and good control, overall presentation was good, build quality also very good, you sort of get filling that will last for ever, but somehow I fill that its not as musical as I would like. Unfortunately not much info on new VPI as it is so new, wonder if anyone here have chance to listen to above two TT's and can share experience. I’m in Sydney so demo on VPI hot rod is difficult.
Best regards,
I have a SME 20/2a with SME IV.Vi arm. It's just about perfect in everyway. If you want a different sound, change the cartridge, the table/arm is very neutral and will absolutely show you anything a cartrige has to offer.

I'm sure the VPI is great to.
I heard the HR-X at the C.E.S. it sounded very musical.
I cannot give you a direct comparison between the TT.
The few times that i have heard SME tables i found them
to be more on the analytical side.It is also possible
it might be the setup.AS far as build quality you cannot
beat the SME tables.Good luck in your quest!
Both TTs are very good, and both will show good deep bass quality. What you probably were hearing is that the SME table was probably equipped with an SME tonearm, which are noted for their excellent bass response. The HRX was equipped with the JMW arms, a unipivot, which is known more for midrange liquidity and musicality, and does not have the bass qualities of the SME arm. You would not be disappointed with either selection, it is more a matter of choice.
I would go for the SME 20. It is a more finished product. The VPI HRX is having all sorts of problems. The SME 20 is reliable, ready for market and marvelous.
Jtinn, HRX problems? Please elaborate on what you know. Email me if you are uncomfortable posting.