Mat Material...............

What have you found to be the most effective mat on your TT? I was surprised noone answered my query on carbon fiber mats. Carbon fiber? Construction paper? Felt? Uranium? Titanium? Nothing?

Some of these mats can get pricy. $200 for a carbon fiber from (I don't remember).
My initial experience with a Ringmat was very poor. Come to find out that the better the isolation of the turntable itself, the less "synergistic" the Ringmat will be with it. As such, i would not recommend the use of a Ringmat ( or similar device ) with a table that offers good to excellent isolation. Such devices will probably work better with a table / installation that is more susceptible to outside interference. In effect, the damping or "give" that such a platter mat offers becomes part of the suspension and can help to make up for a lack of isolation from both air and floor-borne vibrations. Tables that offer excellent isolation from outside influences will typically work better with a more rigid platter mat.

That's why i mentioned the variables involved with the different types of suspension and support structure that one is using. You have to look at the big picture, not just what works in one specific situation. I learned the hard way i.e. by spending money and taking a step backwards in performance. Sean
My isolation is quite good. I'm using a Nottingham Interspace table with Dynavector Karat cartridge, Bright Star Audio Rack of Gibralter, and a homemade sandbox similar to a Big Rock.

Do you think a Mystic Mat (I hear it's recommended by Nottingham) could be a good choice? It's a carbon fiber make-up.
A record mat can perform several functions. Most of these functions are to improve the performance of a platter with inherent design flaws. If the platter is properly designed(which many aren't), then a mat should not be used or needed. If there is a design flaw, then a mat can possibly provide the compensation for that flaw, depending upon how severe the flaw is. For example, a mat could be used to dampen resonances or vibrations, or improve impedance coupling to the platter, or be used as a VTA spacer, or any number of things. How well( or badly) the mat works on a given table, will directly be the result of what mat is chosen for what platter application and how it addresses the platter flaw in question.

In a very well designed high-end turntable, there is rarely a use for a mat, and you don't see them very often on those kinds of tables. In the lower price range tables, where cost-cutting measures cause some compromises in design, then the platter mats may have some application.
So, TWL, do you think a Notttingham Interspace is low end enough to benefit from a mat? I probably think so. Do you think tweaking vibration compromises the use of a mat? I recognize it's a "check it and find out situation." I'm just trying to avoid a needless expense if it does nothing or worse.

By the way, do you think replacing a fiberboard plinth with maple is worth the effort?
Richardmr, I'd recommend that you contact Audiogon member 4yanx about this. He has quite a bit of listening experience with Nottinghams and variations and tweaks. I think he could give a more accurate recommendation than I could.

Some people like the maple, and in general I think that a good hardwood like maple would be less harsh than HDF. I think it would be worth a try. I think that the HDF platter is probably a little harsh too, but the SpaceMat is supposed to take care of that problem.

What kind of sonic change are you seeking, or feel the need to address?