Acoustic Zen vs. Nordost - wchich one to choose?

There is a lot of buzz about Acoustic Zen cables on the net.
Some say their Sliver & Matrix Reference interconnect cables and Satori & Hologram speaker cables are close to perfect. Some others compare them as not only similar to Nordost Quatrofill & SPM, but even better than these highly respected cables.

Do you have any expirience with AZ cables?
Do you really find them to be as good as the best cabless available, regardless of price?

It is an invitation to share the expirience about little known to the public cables from company called Acoustic Zen.
Well I don't know if I would say they are the best regardless of price, there are many mega buck cables that I would own before the Acoustic Zen's. We had them in my dad's reference system (Dunlavy I/Va's, 2 alioa amps, Kora preamp, Sony SACD-1) and they were great. Although I enjoyed the NBS statements more, and enjoyed the Vahalla's more, but at 4-6x the cost it's not really in the same league. Getting more focused, I am assembling a $10,000 system and plan to run AZ cables.

Judd MacRae
I have their MC2, Matrix, Satori, Tsunami and Krakatoa. They make excellent products in my opinion. They are certainly worth trying; esp. since they offer a 30 day trial. If nothing else, give them a call and chat with them. I think you'll be impressed with their presentation.

-- Greg
From a value perspective, the AZ line blows away the Nordost. The new WoW ICs and the Satori are stunning for the $$.