Advice on CD-R purchase

I am ready to take the plunge into the wonderful world of CD burning. I have been researching the different models and their pro's and con's. I think I have settled on an HHB CDR-850 or a Fostex CR-300. Has anybody purchased one of these units? I am looking to get a good deal on a new one (I know-who isn't) or even a used one in good condition. Ebay is out of the question--the bids go way higher than most dealers will sell for. Can anybody recommend a dealer or know of a used pro audio classified site. Thanks for any help.
go with a tascam CDR 700. manufacturer doesn't advertise but you can defeat the shareware so that SCMS is not active (i.e. digital to digital ad infinitum)--should set you back $500. (where i got mine) good luck ryan
HHB is the better unit. However, I believe the new pro Tascam A-D has apogee's uv22 processing. Also, As I have said in the past, buy a pro unit. 1) No SCMS 2) Able to use computer grade CD's at a lower cost.
If you decide to go with a consumer deck you can bypass the SCMS copy code with a product from Midiman called the C03. It has coaxial,Toslink and AES/EBU digital in and outs. It can also be used as a format convertor between the coaxial,toslink, and AES/EBU. They sell new for around $175.
I made a mistake about the model of the CDR that came with uv22. It is the yamaha cdr1000. This is the real deal in CDR's, albeit, more money than the HHB. If you can swing it, go for it.