What do I need to effectively clean my records

I have some new and used records that are in need of cleaning. I'd like to buy some materials I can use from home, and I don't have space or money for a cleaning machine. I took a couple to the local store and cleaned them on the VPI there, didn't seem to do much. A guy there recommended I buy a more effective cleaning solution and stiffer brush, but then another guy said a stiff brush would damage the records. I read the post about the sketchy "spot remover" type cleaner being used, but I'd like something guaranteed not to harm the records or my rig. I keep hearing about Last, both the cleaner and protectant. Is the protectant worth it?

I'm a total novice. I have only a dry brush. Can I get some advice on exactly what to buy and how to clean: brands of cleaners, what to scrub with, what to dry with, how to clean them (use circles? brush inside to outside? how vigorously?). It sounds silly, but where do I set the records to dry? Also, should I buy replacement audiophile sleeves (which ones) to keep my really nice records in? Is a separate stylus cleaner necessary?
Doug sez:
"Read the whole thread for an education, or look for a (very long) post by '4yanx'. His routine is either insane or remarkably thorough, depending on your POV. The cleaning solutions he uses are well regarded around here and available from amusicdirect.com and others."

The answer is that I am both, insane and thorough. How clean were the records you acquired from me, Doug? Yes, do buy RR products and be happy. But, buy from anyone BUT musicdirect.com, I cannot in good faith recommend them for anything except being ultimately rude. Of course, if you deal strictly via internet, you might be spared their snooty 'tudes. ElusiveDisc.com sometimes has it on sale.
Search the archives for "cleaning records" and see my post (JYPrez) for a cheapo home-made record cleaning machine that will "suck-up" a VPI's for lunch.
I've bought quite a few things from Music Direct without experiencing anything but courtesy and fast service. While YMMV and all that, I personally commend them.
Jyprez, i'm curious to read about your DYI cleaning machine but can't find your post anywhere. do you have a link?
Chris Brady (A'gon handle = Teres) also posted his DIY RCM info somewhere here. Can't remember where, but it involved a second hand TT and thrift store vacuum cleaner. Cost him < $50 IIRC.