Depends if you plan to listen at full volume (for critical listening) or not. I had an 860x lent to me while my friend traveled overseas for 2 months. Yes, it sounded better as direct connect, but the difference in recording levels made me use the digital volume periodically, and then the unit worked better with a pre-amp (because you loose resolution with digital volume). Also, if you use other components (turntable, FM...), then I would think about the need to buy A to D boxes at $895 per 2 connections. The other interesting comparison was between the 860x and the Linn Ikemi -- I preferred the Ikemi -- the pace of the music was better. The bass on the Ikemi was less but more defined, and the depth of presentation was a bit thin, but more micro detail was presented... The major preference the Linn Ikemi did not make me want to get up and switch to the other machine. The presentation was more like my turntable.. Don't get me wrong, I like the 860x, and if it were mine, I would be very happy with it. The Linn Ikemi had a better synergy with my system than the 860x. I have been told the 861 is much better than the 860x -- I will be auditioning these differences soon. I know you didn't ask, but my 2 cents...